TNI and Local Residents Unite to Safeguard Sugapa: A Collaborative Step Towards Peace in Papua

    TNI and Local Residents Unite to Safeguard Sugapa: A Collaborative Step Towards Peace in Papua

    INTAN JAYA - Strengthening security and fostering peace, the 509 Task Forces of the Raider Infantry Battalion 509/Balawara Yudha Kostrad, operating under the Indonesian Armed Forces Operational Command HABEMA, conducted a successful patrol in Sugapa District, Papua Tengah, on Sunday, October 27, 2024. The operation, focused on securing Bilogai Village, was carried out in partnership with local residents, highlighting the crucial role of community collaboration in maintaining safety at the border area between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.  

    Lieutenant Colonel Dian Dessiawan Setyadi, Commander of the 509 Task Forces, emphasized that achieving peace requires more than just military operations. “Our mission is not only to maintain security but also to build trust and foster collaboration with the people of Papua, ” he stated. In line with this vision, First Lieutenant Abdian, who leads the Bilogai Post, organized the patrol by inviting community leaders to take part in the security checks. The operation involved inspecting vehicles entering and leaving the area to ensure safety and prevent any suspicious activities.

    **Residents Embrace Partnership with TNI**  
    The initiative was warmly welcomed by the local population, with the operation running smoothly thanks to the active involvement of the residents, coordinated by community leader Mr. Lukas Sondegau. Expressing his appreciation, Mr. Sondegau remarked, “We are grateful for the TNI’s efforts and for the opportunity to be part of securing Sugapa. The patrol has given us peace of mind and reassured us that Papua is indeed safe.” 

    After reviewing the operation report, Brigadier General Lucky Avianto, Commander of HABEMA, commended the 509 Task Forces for their efforts in working closely with the community. “This initiative is a powerful example of how security operations can support regional development. It reflects the TNI’s commitment not only to safeguard the region but also to accelerate progress in Papua through strong local partnerships, ” Avianto noted. He emphasized that such initiatives are essential in creating lasting peace and stability, providing a foundation for the region’s future growth.

    The success of this operation demonstrates the importance of synergy between the military and local communities in achieving sustainable peace. By actively involving residents in security efforts, the TNI empowers the people to take ownership of their safety and strengthens trust between the armed forces and the local population. 

    Authenticated by:  
    Colonel Yogi Nugroho, Media Officer, HABEMA Command

    intan jaya papua intan jaya papua
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