Pesiga Residents Embrace Warmly the Social Outreach of Yonif 509 Task Forces

    Pesiga Residents Embrace Warmly the Social Outreach of Yonif 509 Task Forces

    INTAN JAYA - As part of the Mobile Border Security Operation RI-PNG under the Indonesian Armed Forces Operational Command HABEMA, the Raider Infantry Battalion 509/Balawara Yudha Kostrad continues to demonstrate its commitment to supporting Papua's development. On Saturday, January 18, 2025, the 509 Patrol Team, particularly from J2 Post led by Second Lieutenant Nauval, conducted a Social Communication (Komsos) activity with the residents of Pesiga Village, Sugapa District, during their routine security operations.

    The Commander of Yonif 509 Task Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Dian Dessiawan Setyadi, emphasized the crucial role of community engagement in ensuring the mission's success in operational areas. Social Communication activities have thus become a priority for understanding residents' basic needs and keeping abreast of the security situation in Pesiga Village.

    In a warm and engaging atmosphere, TNI Soldiers connected directly with the locals to foster harmonious relationships. During this interaction, the Soldiers not only shared valuable communication but also distributed essential food supplies to the community. The heartfelt efforts of the Task Forces were met with great enthusiasm. One of the residents, Mama Dina Mujizau, expressed her gratitude, saying, "Praise God, thank you Commander 509. God bless."

    Major General Lucky Avianto, the Commander of HABEMA Operational Command, commended the initiative of Yonif 509 Task Forces for their social outreach and aid to the Pesiga villagers. He stated, "The initiative of Yonif 509 Task Forces in conducting Social Communication reflects the TNI's unwavering commitment to fostering inclusive engagement with the community to accelerate development in Papua."

    This commendation highlights the significant impact of such activities in strengthening the bond between the TNI and the community. Beyond providing a sense of security, this initiative cultivates hope and optimism for the region's brighter future and underscores the transformative power of collaboration between the military and society.

    Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Kolonel Arh Yogi Nugroho

    intan jaya papua
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