OPM Suporters Pledged Allegiance To Indonesia, And Subsequently, Habema Handed Them Over To Families

    OPM Suporters Pledged Allegiance To Indonesia, And Subsequently, Habema Handed Them Over To Families

    INTAN JAYA - The HABEMA TNI Operations Command, in securing the Papua region, conducted a routine task with unwavering professionalism in the Intan Jaya Regency, Papua Tengah Province. On Wednesday, 4 September 2024, the HABEMA Task Forces, based on updated data, carried out a security patrol in Mamba Village, Sugapa District, a part of the Intan Jaya Regency.

    Regarding the area of responsibility, the Soldiers conducted the patrol by prioritizing security factors such as security preparedness and the humanistic side, which includes greeting people with a smile, to ensure the security of the Mamba area. At around 09.00 local time, the Patrol Team managed to secure three Papuans moving into a home in the middle of the Mamba Village. After securing it, the HABEMA Task Forces investigated the three people in-depth.

    Based on the investigation, it was found that two of the three Papuans were sympathizers of the Free Papua Movement Organization (OPM). Furthermore, on their initiative, without any coercion from any party, the two residents pledged by holding the Indonesian Flag, which briefly stated their determination to return to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and would not return to the OPM. The two Papuan residents delivered the pledge directly in front of the HABEMA Soldiers. After the pledge, the three Papuans were handed back by the HABEMA Task Forces to their respective families and were greeted with joy by the families.

    After receiving the activity report, the HABEMA Commanding General, Brigadier General Lucky Avianto, acknowledged the initiative of two Papuan to pledge allegiance to Indonesia. His words: 'The vow to return to Indonesia by the OPM supporters in Mamba Village is a testament to the TNI's effective security measures for the sake of smooth acceleration of development in the Papua region.' This success maintains security stability and supports the smooth acceleration of development in the Papua region. The HABEMA Task Forces, in securing the Papua region, played a crucial role in this operation. 


    Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Letkol Arh Yogi Nugroho

    intan jaya papua
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