Muara Village Children Warmly Embrace the Marines' Community Engagement in Papua

    Muara Village Children Warmly Embrace the Marines' Community Engagement in Papua

    YAHUKIMO - In a heartwarming display of unity, the children of Muara Village in Dekai District, Papua, were filled with joy as they welcomed the Indonesian Marines from the Infantry Battalion 6 Task Forces. The marines, part of the HABEMA Command’s mission to secure the border between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, took time during their patrol to engage in Social Communication (Komsos) with the local community on Thursday, October 24, 2024. 

    The initiative, led by Second Lieutenant Alter and his team from Bravo Post, aimed to foster closer relationships between the Armed Forces and the people in the region as part of a broader effort to support government programs that accelerate development in Papua.

    As the patrol passed through Muara Village, the marines shifted their focus from security to building rapport with the children and their parents. Their friendly conversations and genuine interest in the community brought smiles to the children’s faces, while the parents shared updates about the village’s security situation, which remains peaceful and stable.

    The heartfelt interaction left a lasting impression on the villagers. One resident, Leo Tabuni, expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thank you, Commander Marines. God bless." His words reflect the deep bond that has developed between the community and the military, highlighting the crucial role of the Task Forces in maintaining both security and strong ties with the people.

    Commander of the Marines Task Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Rismanto Manurung, emphasized the importance of paying attention to the basic needs of the communities surrounding the military posts. This approach, he noted, strengthens the relationship between the military and the people, ensuring a harmonious coexistence while securing the region.

    The initiative received high praise from HABEMA Commanding General, Brigadier General Lucky Avianto, who acknowledged the marines' commitment to community engagement. "The Marines Task Forces' efforts demonstrate our dedication to fostering inclusive communication with all stakeholders, which is essential to the successful development of Papua, " he remarked.

    This act of connection and compassion by the Marines is a powerful example of how security forces can play a pivotal role not only in safeguarding regions but also in uplifting local communities. Through these small yet meaningful moments of engagement, the Armed Forces are helping build a brighter future for Papua, one step at a time.


    Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Kolonel Arh Yogi Nugroho

    yahukimo papua yahukimo papua
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